2009–2011 。 Master in Interior Architecture and Retail Design; Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam.

2007–2009 。 Master in Interior Design; National University of Fine Arts, Bucharest.

2003–2007 。 Bachelor in Product Design; National University of Fine Arts, Bucharest.


2020 。 Guest speaker at FungiFest, an (online) bio-festival organised by BlueCity Rotterdam and aimed to bring together different fungi practitioners.

2018–2019 。 Artist residency in collaboration with Film Werkplaats Rotterdam and WORM Pirate Bay, at WORM Rotterdam.

2016 。 “Understanding Territoriality”, a collaborative design project for Public Room Center for Design and Innovation, Skopje; assigned by Netwerk (BE), Cittadelle Arte (IT), Creative Europe Programme (EU) and Public Room (MK).

2015–2017 。 Guest illustrator at Vers Beton, an online news platform focusing on Rotterdam culture.

2014–2015 。 Co-founder and concept designer at BroodNodig 010, a nonprofit organisation that aims to turn bread waste into an energy.

2015 。 Illustrator, NRC, Rotterdam edition of the newspaper.


2016–2017 。 Columnist at Samizdat Online, a digital publication for art and culture.

2016 。 Artwork contribution to the book “Help, we zijn populair! Rotterdam stad in verandering” (Eng.: Help, we are popular! Rotterdam, city in transition) - winner of the 2017 Press Award Rotterdam; editors Sereh Mendias and Eeva Liukku, 010NAI Publishers, Rotterdam.

2011 。 ‘MyTime’ contribution to ‘Infinite Instances. Studies and Images of Time’, author Olga Ast, publisher Mark Batty Publisher (MBP) [New York]


2020– 。 FabLab coordinator (for both staff and techniques) at Bouwkeet, Rotterdam’s social makerspace.

2018–2019 。 Project coordinator and co-designer of the Art-S-Cool HUB; Art-S-Cool is a social art school in the Hague; the HUB is the future public platform that will further enable Art-S-Cool to create more social equality in the Schilderswijk neighbourhood through cultural activities for the local kids and families.




2018– 。 Independent design-science research HOW (household organic waste), a participatory material, in collaboration with microbiologist Emmy Jaarsma.

2018 。 Guest teacher at Codarts, Rotterdam; image of the perfoming artist course, in the “Entrepreneurship” block.

2017– 。 Design mentor at Bouwkeet, Rotterdam’s social makerspace; technology and social cohesion workshops for kids, adults and families.

2016 。 Co-creator and developer of the concept for the education “Art Gap”, which focuses on helping young creatives to channel their talents in the cultural sector; assigned by SKVR, Rotterdam.


2019– 。 “Time Said: Can You See Me?”, group residency and exhibition in collaboration with Film Werkplaats Rotterdam; WORM, Rotterdam.

2019 。 “The Future of Craft”, group exhibition; Oxo Tower Wharf, London, the UK.

2018–2019 。 #1minuteLamp at Ikea Museum [Ikea Hacked. Our Products, Your Ideas], Almhult, Sweden.

2017 。 #1minuteLamp at Dutch Design Week, [Klokgebouw] Eindhoven.

2017 。 #1minuteLamp at 'Dear Future Festival', Tilburg; pop-up exhibition organised by the European Social Innovation Week.

2017 。 #1minuteLamp at 'Performance, Objects, Bodies', Quartair Contemporary Art Initiatives, The Hague; curated by iii & part of the festivals: TodaysArt & Hoogtij.

2017 。 #1minuteLamp launch exhibition at Salone del Mobile 2017, Fuori Salone - Ventura Lambrate, Milan.

2016 。 Permanent exhibition/interactive installation “the Design Abacus”, Public Room library, Skopje (Macedonia).

2009 。 ‘MyTime’ concept product, ArcheTime cross disciplinary conference & exhibition [New York]