Toekomstdenkers (AiR) in Nijmegen / by Catinca Tilea

For the next period, Nijmegen will be my home and workspace. As artist in residence of the program Toekomstdenkers (Eng. future thinkers), I’ll be working together with citizens of Nijmegen to develop and grow an object from household organic waste. It is the first time I approach the study at such a scale from the social perspective, with people’s involvement throughout the whole development. I start this journey with the question: Is the circular future one in which people can grow and bio-build goods within their community?

I’ve arrived here, in a fairly green city with a long visible history that spans back to the Roman times. In this context, human life looks like a micro-moment. I’ve been wandering the streets discovering the place and imagining future archaeology as what we want to leave behind for future generations.

The next period will be about what we can avoid living behind - biobased goods made to biodegrade - and what we do want to leave behind for the future - customs around how we could all bio-build a different type of living environment.