We've spent roughly five months in the lab so far trying to figure out if HOW (household organic waste) can become a material that citizens can engage with in their neighbourhoods. Through small-scale experiments we've run a whole lot of tests with HOW as a substrate for mycelium forming. In each experiment we would change parameters and conditions in the petri dishes to test our theory for different scenarios, such as: “what happens if the HOW composition is mostly animal tissue/waste?” or “could a HOW material be bio-formed in no longer than 2 weeks?”.
Every time I would post a successful experiment on social media, people would ask if the petri dishes were rice waffles. I personally found this funny. I decided to keep the term especially because visually associating HOW – so mainly stinky waste – to something edible is already a positive shift in perception.
My “rice waffle” mission entry log is: it is possible to bio-form a material from HOW. Mission “rice waffles” continues and hopefully very soon we will go beyond the rice waffle shape.